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Do You Know God’s Phone Number?

by Shirley Hartnett, North Syracuse Activ8Her Chapter co-coordinator

Do you know God's phone number? It’s Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own” (MSG).

Trust is extremely hard for me. I trust the immutable laws of physics, but people have betrayed me more times than I can count.

Trust God? Really?

How do you trust someone or something when you have been betrayed? Many times.

Trusting someone starts with learning about the person. As you do life with them you find out if they are who they say they are. They grow to love and believe in you and you in them.

So My Trust in God starts with Learning if God is Who He Says He Is

For me, that starts with the Bible. My pastor always says there are three things to do with what he preaches:

1. Eat it because it comes from the word of God.

2. Put it on the shelf because it may not be for this time in your life but it is from the word of God.

3. Throw it away because it isn’t from God.

This is helped me a lot. Many times I have walked away from situations saying, “Not my God.” I don’t like to ask for help. I have to try everything else before I ask for help (I know, I know, I have trust issues).

My Trust in God starts with Asking God to Help Me

God wants to help me. He wants a relationship with me. He loves me. He’s my Daddy. The hard part of asking for His help is then letting Him handle it. Letting go. This is also hard for me. I like to be in control. But the Bible commands us to, “Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

I always imagine God up in heaven saying, “Give it to me, I will make it right.” So I grab His hand. Trusting someone comes from them repeatedly showing up.

My Trust in God Comes From Keeping a Record of God’s Faithfulness

I have just come from my year of Job. Everyone in my family was attacked by super weird things. That’s nine people — including me! And I had two major things attacking me. My mom recently passed away. On the same day a year ago, I was informed about my cancer.

I went to the throne room of God for help in my time of need.

My God has been so faithful; my record of His faithfulness would span many books. In my times of trouble, I revisit the accounts of His care because of my personal relationship with God. I overcame my hardest sufferings. God’s love and strength overpower everything!

Because of this, I can run with endurance and face suffering with trust that My God, who is Your God, will take us to the other side of it.

So have you called God today?

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