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About Activ8Her



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Activ8Her's Story


After years of longing for women of faith to have the opportunity to connect on the other side of their church walls, Chrissy Garrett began a local chapter of a national women's ministry with a like-minded vision. When the ministry dissolved, the chapter model was graciously handed over to Chrissy and Kolleen. The Lord rebranded the ministry into Activ8Her and brought what appeared dead back to life.


​Chrissy and Kolleen have been friends and ministry partners for more than thirty years. They've spent years serving God and studying His Word together. In every season, they have remained faithful throughout their friendship to speak life into each other and encourage one another to rise above the chaos and confusion this life may bring. 


Kolleen describes Chrissy as: humble, peacefully-steadfast and beautifully-wise. Chrissy describes Kolleen as: a lover of God and His Word, articulate and FUN!! 

In the years since its incorporation in August of 2018, God continues to shape and develop Activ8Her into the fullness of His vision for ministry. Chrissy and Kolleen have been a captivated audience to God's ability to bring like-minded and faithful team members beside them to help Activ8Her for Him. 

Christine Garrett

Chrissy is a wife, mother of four adult children, and grandmother to seven. She sees those roles as her primary calling. She served as Administrator of Believers' Chapel North in Mexico, NY for 12 years. In the almost two decades leading up to that time she served as the church's Women's Ministry Director. 


Chrissy is the Executive Director of Administration in Activ8Her.

When she is not looking for opportunities to speak life into those around her, Chrissy enjoys spending time in the outdoors and with her family at the Five Ponds Ranch and the St. Lawrence River.

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Kolleen Lucariello

Kolleen and her high school sweetheart, Pat have been married for 40+ years, have three married children and six grandchildren. She delights in her role as wife and mom, but discovered her favorite title might just be, Mimi.

She is an author, writer and speaker who loves to share whatever life-lessons the Lord is teaching her through her writing and speaking. Kolleen's book, #beYOU: Change Your Identity One Letter at a Time,  comes from Kolleen's own struggle to find her voice and her identity in Christ. Now, it is her passion to help others walk in their God-given identity so they can discover the destiny God created them for.

You can learn more about Kolleen by going to her website at

Kolleen serves as the Executive Director of Communication and Content for Activ8Her. She enjoys family time, photography, hiking and figuring out how to kayak in a straight line.

Activ8Her Board Members

Board Chair: Barbara Knight: is the REACH Administrator for Abundant Life Christian Center.

Christina Papaleo: currently serves as a Learning and Development Specialist for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at Syracuse University. She holds a bachelor's degree from SUNY Cortland and a Master's degree from SUNY Buffalo State. As a drawing artist and public speaker, Christina has a passion for helping others discover their God-given design as His Masterpiece. She is a part of the East Syracuse Chapter of Activ8Her and a member of Abundant Life Church. 

Pastor Jeff McIlrath: Senior Pastor of Reformed Church of the Thousand Isles.

Wanda Richardson: was saved at a Billy Graham crusade. She is a retired insurance broker and office manager at Pulaski Wesleyan Church, where she attended and served for over 30 years where she held numerous leadership and support positions. Wanda's hobbies include kayaking, camping, walking, biking, acrylic paint and crafting. She is active in area exercise, book and garden clubs, as well as Bible and fellowship study groups. 

Due to the nature of her employment, the identity of one board member has not been displayed for security reasons.   

Legal Advisor, Robert Genant, Esq.: Bob has been a General Practice Attorney since 1974, and is an Assistant District Attorney with the Oswego County District Attorney's office. He also serves as an Allied Attorney lawyer for the Alliance Defending Freedom.

We actively believe:

Each woman’s personality, talents, and skills are gifts from God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, she has the capacity to make a significant impact within her sphere of influence. Our goal is to celebrate her uniqueness, increase her Biblical knowledge, inspire her kingdom vision, and teach her to develop deeper connections with others. Activ8Her strives to help each woman recognize she has been perfectly placed and called to be confident in her leadership, connect in her relationships and courageous in her faith.

Our organization is founded on three biblical principles: the Great Call (Matthew 28:18-20), the intentional design of each woman (Psalm 139:13-16), and the development of the individual in her divinely appointed purpose (Ephesians 2:10, Acts 17:26-27). From this foundation, we strive to encourage women to develop their gifts and talents for the glory of God and the expansion of His kingdom.

  • God is the creator of the universe creating both the seen (physical) and the unseen (spiritual) realms and God the Creator is also the giver of life who created man and woman in his image.

  • The Bible is the flawless word of God.

  • There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died for our sins on the cross at Calvary. He was resurrected from the grave, ascended into heaven, where he sits at the right hand of the Father. 

  • People receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life through Jesus alone.

  • God created mankind as two distinct genders: male and female; living in alignment with the gender of birth honors God's presence and wisdom in His creation.  (Gen 1:26-28; Matt 19:4-5; Psalm 139:13) 

  • Marriage is a sacred institution that has been established by God and is defined by the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. (Matt.19:4-6) 

  • God has created each person with a unique plan and purpose.

  • Christians are called to share both love and the uncompromising truth of the Gospel with the world around them.

  • God has called us to treat others with dignity and respect.

Statement of Faith

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