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#RemainFluid Recap

Enjoy this chapter recap from Heather McIlrath, one of our Alexandria Bay chapter coordinators.

As Jody (co-coordinator) and I began to talk about the theme of #RemainFluid, and our response to the way God works in our lives, we came to the conclusion that the Alexandria Bay Activ8Her Chapter could do a craft we believed had significance.

In the last year I've had powerful experiences in the Word, as well as in my time of meditation because I have begun to journal my gratefulness, prayers, and my time in the Bible. These experiences have revealed to me how God is not One who is rigid or inflexible. He finds new and fluid ways to meet his children right where they are at—to touch hearts, speak to our pain, and heal wounds. Sometimes, he even uses “old” practices to speak in “new” ways.

God is working in me to light a fire for prayer, evangelism, and intentionality that I have not experienced since early in my walk with the Lord. I have grown and been stretched in ways I had forgotten and never thought possible. God is doing a new work in an old me—and it is glorious.

So I shared my passion for journaling, praying, studying, and meditating with “my girls” (our Alexandria Bay Chapter). I gushed about the journal format I use—the Kairos Journal (—and encouraged my girls to find a time and a place, and a purpose to journal for themselves. I gave several suggestions about what elements to include, reminding each of us that our fluid God does not require rigidity, but faithfulness. One of the keys to the consistency in my journaling has been that if I miss a day or an element on a particular day, I just write GRACE over the top of that day, and keep moving on. I do not ever try to catch up and I do not beat myself up. Knowing that God has grace for me allows me to continue on and makes me love my God even more. This prompts me to be in the Word and journal more instead of giving up.

Some of the elements that I include in my devotional journaling time are:


Choose a scripture to hide in your heart. You could use the same scripture for several days, for a week, or a month.


List the things that you are thankful for.


Prayer requests– don’t forget to go back and read these to keep track of answered prayers.


Write an intention for your day. Today I will . . .

  • Be faithful

  • Be available

  • Be teachable

  • Eat healthy foods

  • Work out my mind and body

Scripture Reading

What are you studying in the Word? You could write the address here or write about what God is telling you through His Word.


At the end of the day (or the next morning) reflect on what God is doing in your life and teaching you. Did you have any “God moments?

At the end of our chapter time together we made our own journals out of composition notebooks. Using scrapbooking paper, curtain samples, stickers, ribbon, and scripture cut outs. Each woman crafted journals that reflected her own individuality and fluidity.

Aren’t these women and their creations beautiful?!

Love in Christ,

Heather McIlrath

(Activ8Her Alexandria Bay, NY Chapter Co-Coordinator)

PS. In several of our monthly Activ8tion Plans, we've encouraged our Activ8Hers to step into the practice of journaling. Do you journal?

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